Helicals save significant time and money over shallow spread footers

NEW CANOPY – Helical piles better and cheaper alternative than spread footers

For this job helical piles were selected over shallow spread footers due to a significant cost savings.

Other Advantages:

Quicker installation than spread footers.  4 days total for pile installation vs an estimated 3 1/2 – 4 weeks for spread footers.

Less intrusive:  Truck unloading was able to continue while the piles were installed.  Spread footers would have required truck lanes to be closed for several days during the forming, pouring, curing, and back filling time.

Part of the project was done during pouring rain.  This would have stopped concrete work.

Piles could be used immediately.  In this project the canopy supplier welded the base plates directly to the pile cap.  No concrete was required.

Pile Installation while trucks unloaded.

Pile Installation while trucks unloaded.

Completed Canopy:  4 weeks after pile install.  Whole job finished quicker than spread footers would have required.

Completed Canopy: 4 weeks after pile install. Whole job finished quicker than spread footers would have required.